COM-499 ePortfolio

Howdy and welcome to my professional ePortfolio! My name is Noah Nix, and I am a Communication Studies major at the University of Alabama with a deep passion for the power of effective communication.
Growing up with parents who were also Communication majors at UA, I’ve always recognized how essential communication is in every aspect of life.
Communication Studies to me is the exploration of how people create, share, and interpret messages across different contexts, cultures, and media. It is valuable because it equips us with the skills to connect meaningfully with others, advocate for ourselves and our communities, and understand the diverse perspectives that shape our world.

Academic Achievements and Skills

1. Communication Theory
Throughout my coursework, particularly in COM 101 and COM 300, I developed a strong ability to explain, synthesize, apply, and critique major foundational theories of communication. Through research papers, critical essays, and class discussions, I explored how these theories apply to real-world scenarios. For example, I applied Social Penetration Theory to understand relationship dynamics in a case study, demonstrating my ability to connect theory with practical experiences.
2. Oral and Written Communication
Courses like COM 123, COM 352, and COM 499 were crucial in honing my oral and written communication skills. I learned to adapt my communication style to different audiences, ensuring my messages were clear, ethical, and respectful of cultural diversity. For instance, delivering persuasive speeches and writing research papers helped me refine my ability to communicate thoughtfully and professionally in various contexts.
3. Diversity and Communication
In COM 220 and COM 495, I learned to articulate my cultural standpoint and adapt my communication to diverse contexts. Engaging in community projects and reflecting on my own experiences, such as traveling to Austin, TX with Dr. Griffin, allowed me to understand and appreciate the importance of cultural perspectives. This experience improved my ability to communicate effectively across different cultural backgrounds.
4. Critical Thinking and Communication Inquiry
Courses like COM 101, COM 352, and COM 495 enhanced my critical thinking skills. I developed the ability to formulate appropriate questions, analyze communication patterns, and evaluate different perspectives. Participating in debates, conducting research projects, and completing my Capstone project allowed me to ethically contribute to communication knowledge, demonstrating my proficiency in communication inquiry.
5. Communication Application
Through COM 499, I gained experience applying communication skills in various personal, public, and professional contexts. My work on the ePortfolio assignment, my role as a waiter, and experiences in group projects enabled me to understand how communication can empower myself and others. I have advocated for effective communication strategies in teamwork settings, demonstrating how communication can be used to build community and enhance civic engagement.